Why do some individuals follow the majority rather than be able to stand their ground ? Why do individuals seem to follow without asking...

Corona Virus - COVID19
It is not certain how long the virus that causes COVID-19 survives on surfaces, but it seems to behave like other coronaviruses. Studies...

Ancestral Help deals with all things Spiritual and the various beliefs,customs & traditions
Paranormal Ancestral Help A to Z

Mental health issues and various conditions Sadly most people even today still feel the first three videos are how they assume are the...

F.T.I. Natural Health Products
CLICK HERE TO GO TO OUR NATURAL HEALTH STORE >> http://www.pnbalance.com <<< We have teamed up with PNBALANCE and now We sell a variety...

CLICK HERE TO ENTER F.T.I STORE All our Services are available to anyone who is of a level of consciousness and awareness of just how...

MA'AT Principles
#MAAT #Kemet #Egyptian #KMT #Memphis #Kemetic #Kemetic #Bookofthedead #Bookoftheliving #42divineprinciples

Death, AFTER LIFE & illness
Studies on the after life, Near Death Experience documentaries and various information on the DEATH experience.

Evil Energy/Spirits & taking Action
Energy of Evil Energy The most common form of psychic attack is the hex or curse. These forms of attack consist of universal energy which...

Alien abduction & Paralysis
The terms alien abduction or abduction phenomenon describe "subjectively real memories of being taken secretly against one's will by...